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Katie Strapák Katie Strapák

My mom had a massive stroke on the 15th July 2016, 6 days later she got the second one which was even stronger. The stroke affected the right side her body and because it occurred on the left side of the brain where languages is, her verbal communication was affected. Her doctors didn’t have a good news for us. They said its a minimal chance for recovery. They also said she wouldn’t be able to walk, sit, speak or eat normally in her life again. It was the worst time in our family. I have heard about Chacrys, I searched about it a lot. i did like it, so we decided to try the Chacrys Mini device. We used it every day on my mum , especially on back part of her head, hands, feet also on the throat. After couple days of using Chacrys mini, she moved her fingers on her right foot, after 10 days she started to talk, we couldn’t understand everything but it was more than nothing, not even a week later she started to talk clearly, like before she got a stroke. During her time in hospital, she wasn’t able to eat normal food, she was able to swallow only baby food or mashed food. Since she got home, we were using this mini device several times during the day, I can say after 3 days she was able to eat normal little pieces of food, no more mashed food. This was a huge progress in her recovery. Now she is speaking clearly. Her memory is brilliant. She can drink and eat again normally. The biggest progress is, she can make couple steps with help. Her right arm can’t move yet, but her fingers started to move. I know this is just the beginning. But we all believe she will be healthy again. I highly recommend this Chacrys MINI device for people with similar health issue.

Marton Peter Marton Peter

I’ve been a crystal bed therapist at the School of Love in Hungary. Unfortunately, due to my earlier way of life, my son’s life was in ruins. He was an alcohol and drug addict. I had been using the crystal bed for half a year, when he turned up and gave it a try. He came again, for the third time and many other times. I couldn’t believe it. After the tenth session he started to open up and said that he was going through a spiritual journey. He also added that he could not believe it, but he hadn’t used any drugs or drank any alcohol for days. This was the biggest miracle in my life as a father. My son has been attending the sessions since then.

Ester Sabo Ester Sabo

We went on a three-day trip to Pisa, Italy with my girlfriend. While having great meals I couldn’t get rid of the thought that I had to be careful about how much I ate. I had a thyroid problem and had to be very careful not to gain weight. During our stay I kept asking the locals whether they always had such big meals in the evening. After returning home I had a stomach ache for two weeks. I was about to see my doctor, when I had an idea to give alternative medicine a try. My intention was to find out what caused my problem, and in the second half of the crystal therapy session I managed to do so. I burst out crying and I immediately knew that I had to stop thinking about my weight problem and let it go. The moment I left the room, my stomach ache was gone. Chacrys showed me the way.

Aniko Selocei Aniko Selocei

I have worked as a kinesiologist for more than ten years. There was a time in my life when I was not able to solve my own problems in spite of the fact that I had already shown many other people the way. I had heard a lot of good things about crystal therapy and about the deep spiritual improvement that people experienced during treatments. The first two sessions were fantastic, but the miracle came on the third occasion, when in a deep meditative state of mind I realised where my problems were rooted. On the fourth occasion I burst out crying and could not stop: I was finally relieved. I managed to let it go. Thanks to Chacrys my life has changed completely since then.

 Nikolett Merics Nikolett Merics

I’m an opera singer, and this brings along a lot of stress in my life. The pressure on me to perform perfectly unfortunately does not do any good to my voice. I got to know about Chacrys accidentally. I had the very first treatment right before a performance. I got relaxed as never before. After the session I also found out that my usually lively dog was absolutely calm for 30 minutes and was curiously watching the colourful crystals. Before the performance I was by far not as anxious as usually, so I decided to visit my crystal therapist regularly. The Chacrys crystal bed has become my source of tranquillity. Since then I have won two renowned opera singing competitions. I am extremely grateful to the crystals, the wonderful colours and, of course, to my therapist.